Zazu Games



1. Privacy Policy

At ZAZU GAMES we recognize that privacy is significant. This Privacy Policy applies to all apps (Android) under the publisher name of “ZAZU GAMES”. We has created this Policy to explain our privacy practices so you can understand what information about you is collected, used and disclosed. We collect information from you in order to provide corresponding service and better user experience. With your consent of this Privacy Policy, your usage, statistics, input while using our apps would be collected.

2. Information WE Collect

  • Non-personal identification. We may collect non-personal identification information about installed applications, application usage information and device information.
  • The information you give us, for example, when you give us your opinions to our application and services via our feedback channel, such as your email address, and names.
  • Generally. We may collect personal information from our users in order to provide you with a personalized, useful and efficient experience. The categories of information we collect can include: Social network's personal information and device's gallery pictures.
  • We're using Facebook SDK and Google SDK for fetching user's name and profile picture. It is intended to use for better user experience.
  • User will not able to see any other user's information so as long user is logged in with Facebook only account owner can see his/her information like name and profile picture.


Remember that you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time. To use this right, you can contact us in particular by sending a message to here. In addition, you have the right to:
  •  Request removal of your personal data from our database;

4. Sensitive Information

We ask that you not send us, and you not to disclose, any sensitive Personal Information (e.g., information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, sexual orientation, criminal background or membership in past organizations, including trade union memberships) on or through an Application, the Services or the Site or otherwise to us.

5. Information we get from your use of our services

  • Unique application numbers - Certain services include a unique application number. This number and information about your installation (for example, the operating system type and application version number)
  • Device information - Device-specific information such as your hardware model and operating system version.
  • Anonymous identifiers - we use anonymous identifiers when you interact with services such as advertising services and others.

6. Advertisement in Application

We use advertisements in our applications. There could be errors in the programming and sometime programming errors may cause unwanted side effects.

How to Contact the Company.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to any matter covered by this Privacy Policy, you may contact Us by email at:

Thank you for using our apps or games. !


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